Friday, December 7, 2012

Tragedy and Comedy

There is a fine line between Tragedy and Comedy. Actually, there is no line. Tragedy and Comedy are conjoined twins that share a heart and half a brain

Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday, June 29, 2012

Coining a Phrase

From now on, I think we should refer to computer memory in individual bytes, and the unit will be "Rams"
i.e. "I have 12 billion Rams in my computer"


I want a coffee machine shaped like Walking Eye H.E.L.P.eR from the Venture Bros.

Thursday, May 31, 2012


While showing some work to a client today, I made a small, subtle joke. One of the clients, who had never met me before, then said "Classic Duncan."

How did he know!

Sunday, May 27, 2012


The Southern Greens salad mix at Trader Joe's tastes like going out to a field and eating whatever you find growing there

Friday, May 18, 2012

Normal People

A couple years ago I was invited to a Halloween party hosted by a friend outside of my normal social circle. A normal university student rather than a commercial art school student. Aside from reminding me that I don't socialize well when surrounded by people I don't know this event taught me (or reminded me of) something else. Normal People are not like My People.

Several exchanges went like this:
Them: "So who are you supposed to be?"
Me: "I'm The Shadow Man from Disney's The Princess and the Frog."
Them: "Hmm..." or "What?"

My costume was met with enthusiasm the next night at another friends party.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Two brilliant ideas I had at lunch today

1. Guavacado
2. Genetically modifying avocado to have preservatives in them.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Remember, when in doubt it is a far better thing to wash clean clothes than to wear stinky ones

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

On Being Observant

Have you ever tried to click a clicker pen and stabbed your thumb with the nib, only to realize it wasn't a clicker pen, you were just trying to write with the wrong end?

No? Me neither.

Friday, March 16, 2012


Bars and clubs are not my natural habitat. I will occasionally go for my friends, but I probably won't stay long. I get sensory overload and start spacing out, or in some circumstances become physically uncomfortable. So if I leave early, don't take it personally.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Old Alma Mater

It's kind of funny going back to your school to speak as a "Successful Professional." No longer are you an "Acquaintance" or "That Creepy Guy." Now you are a "Professional Reference" or even "Someone I Think can Hire Me."

Friday, March 2, 2012


I want to become a hermit so I can grow nice long hair without being embarrassed about the intermediate phase.

Things that make me laugh out loud

Robot Chicken, The Venture Bros., the work of Terry Pratchett, 30 Rock, your face.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Tiger Tiger burning bright
In the darkness of the night
I wish I may, I wish I might
Eat a tiger steak tonight

Saturday, February 18, 2012


checks been around yet?
cool. thanks
denizens of the moon? or lunatics?
Both and they're guarding your yah... there's that...
awesome. sounds like an epic battle, ala Little Nemo
Bring your best hat

Friday, February 10, 2012

Because we can

We should all be glad I didn't study science or engineering.

Friday, February 3, 2012


I'm going to open a store that specializes in ethical foods, sold at a reasonable price, with a slap-stick flair.

I'm going to call it Trader Moe's

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Facial Hair

I have the Farah Hair of mustaches.

Hand Brain Coordination

When logging into something on a computer, my brain is always one letter behind my fingers


Our perspective and memories shape reality. If my perspective of reality differs from yours, that doesn't mean mine is any less real. Even if my perspective of reality differs from everyone else's, that doesn't invalidate mine.

Don't try to impose your reality on me.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


My subconscious mind on weekend mornings:
"I should get up"
"Hell no! I'm sleeping until noon. Screw you Morning!"
Then I wake up and it's 1:30 in the afternoon.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


While going to get dinner tonight, I took a shortcut through the dark cemetery. I have never lived somewhere I could "take a shortcut through the cemetery."

Nothing happened.
I came back the same way, thinking the smell of enchiladas might draw some attention, but alas...
I was so disappointed

Friday, January 13, 2012


Trouble is like a dusty breeze. While it's here its a bit uncomfortable, but it does no good to rage at the dust or the wind, and when it passes there is no point in dwelling in it.

Introduction to the blog

Hi. My name is Duncan and a long time ago I realized my mind doesn't seem to work in the same way as most people's. The other day my friend suggested that I should start writing down the random thoughts I have. So this is it. This blog is for posterity, and so perhaps people may understand me better.